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Showing posts from April, 2024

Music Tuesday #257: Good Times

We're getting closer to the summer break for this blog. A welcome reprieve from the self-imposed pressure of selecting and commenting on one song every week.  No use in giving you stuff you already know, so that is why I scour the interwebs, looking for gems you may have missed. This week's song features the indie-folk by Iron & Wine, a band you will have heard before if you frequent coffee bars. I love Fiona Apple's voice, where every note she delivers conveys a lifetime of experience and the weight of having lived it. This song sounds like it will become a classic. Pay attention to the lyrics because how many times do we listen to songs that tell a story nowadays? Iron & Wine - All in Good Time (feat. Fiona Apple)

Music Tuesday #256: Too many hues

I´m going outside my comfort zone so you can do too.  This song is fragile, don't break it by expecting a standard progression to a culmination. Someone who comes up with these lyrics deserves a spot on Music Tuesday: Don’t try to paint me. I am unpaintable. You need a thousand blues. Tsar B - Unpaintable

Music Tuesday #255: Who's afraid of Waan?

Flemish music this week with a new alt-rock band hailing from Brussels.  Their debut album is inspired by Leonard Cohen, Neil Yong and Nick Cave.  In terms of setting expectations that's a ballsy move.  My expectations are not high nowadays.  There are too many songs I skip when looking for new music.  But this one stuck to me because this is not just a happy coincidence of sounds, but a real song.  With a beautiful melancholic soundtrack that underscores the uneasiness of the lyrics.  The song is about being afraid (bang in Dutch): Anxious I'm very scared I've been around for a long time Very scared .... The picture for this post is from the clip which was made using AI.  As I look for AI created pictures for my posts I considered this a perfect fit. Waan - Bang

Music Tuesday #254: Rituals are important

Juxtapose ethereal voices with heavy doom bass and guitar and this sucker falls for it.  This song starts like a Tuvan throat song but quickly introduces the ritual doom metal Frayle is known for.  The video is a bonus for Goth and horror fans out there. Its production value is low enough to appreciate that it is just an act.  Frayle - Treacle & Revenge Listen to Music Tuesday on Spotify .

Music Tuesday #253: Righteousness vs The System

I came across this song when trying to select one of the many gems by Rhiannon Giddens.  There was only ever one I could choose.  I hope this helps as a message to keep supporting democracy and a fair world. I am afraid we are still a couple of lifetimes away from the ideal. Rhiannon Giddens - Another Wasted Life