Music Tuesday #187: Sweet Krautrock from the 10s

I heard this song during a sweltering summer morning at my favorite coffee place.  Yes, I am one of those.  No, I am not a hipster.  This tune is 10 years old now, conceived during the height of the green hipster wave.  Where bearded youngsters wearing a bun caused pubs to become coffee bars.  Since then we order a Long Black instead of a large, strong coffee. 

Enough said about that.  Why might you be interested in this?  Well, the main artist of Beak is Geoff Barrow, whom you may know from another band called Portishead.  So you will get a dark atmosphere, massive reverb on the, and therefore unintelligible, vocals.  A catchy riffs and understated solo's.

Best to be enjoyed with a cup of coffee while reading your favorite magazine. On paper.

Wulfstan II - Beak



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