Music Tuesday #097: what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil

This is the perfect song for those dealing with a bout of melancholy.  The song today is taken from the last album by the band "This Mortal Coil". The band's name was taken from Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch... in turn this referenced the title of this post which is a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet.  The band was know for its gothic dream pop. I like that.  Hence this song is perfect for musing.  I used to do that when I lived at the seaside.  Walk on the beach at night during winter.  Just to feel alone, cold and miserable.  It is an experience.  You do it for that feeling when you get back in the warmth of your house and you can snuggle in a sofa with a good book. You should try it.

This Mortal Coil - You and Your Sister

Monty Python - Dead Parrot sketch


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